Web Administrator
Manage FCSC website. Qualifications needed: Experience using WordPress or similar.
Contact president@salmoncreeksoccer.com
Volunteer Positions:
Open Opportunities to Volunteer at FCSC – We Need You!
Email president@salmoncreeksoccer.com
Be a Referee and earn extra cash$ while you help your club and community! For more info: https://www.swysa.net/
Certified Referees: You can begin refereeing games as a “Certified Referee” at age 13. Certified Referees can ref games U5 and up.
To Register: Go to wareferees.org or https://www.oregonreferee.com/
Washington Clinics schedules: https://www.wareferees.org/AvailableClinics.aspx
To Attend: You MUST do 8 hours of online modules before you attend class, see instructions on either the WA or OR website for their classes.
Junior Referees: Junior Referees can start refereeing at age 11 and up. They Ref Recreational games U5 to U9. Junior Ref course schedules will be posted to our website, emailed to FCSC members, and posted to the SWYSA website https://www.swysa.net/
Questions? SWYSARefs@gmail.com or referees@salmoncreeksoccer.com