Concussion Policy

Salmon Creek Soccer Club
Concussion Policy Effective July 2019

Salmon Creek Soccer Club’s concussion policy reflects the seriousness of head injuries and our unwavering commitment to the safety of our young athletes.  It is our expectation that this policy will provide unambiguous clarity on the course of action required when a SCSC player sustains a head injury.

The SCSC head trauma policy is as follows:
All coaches are required to take the concussion online training course. SCSC parents are also encouraged to review this course. or visit the Concussion Awareness information for OYSA

  1. Course completion is required for both head and assistant coaches. Coaches will follow the procedures as defined in the following link – (see below)
  2. All Coaches are required to remove players from a practice or game if a player sustains a blow to the head or a jarring collision that causes the coach to suspect a possible mild or traumatic brain injury.
  3. SCSC coaches are required to notify the parents/legal guardians of the incident, as well as the DOC, providing both with a date and description of the incident that occurred.
  4. Any SCSC player removed from practice or game as a result of a head injury or symptoms similar to those of a concussion shall not be permitted to return to any level of practice or game play to any extent until they have provided SCSC with a written and unconditional “Medical Clearance to Return to Play” from a licensed medical doctor.  Medical clearance must be provided to the SCSC Advanced Director ( or Rec Chair (
  5. When a Parent/legal guardian registers their player they will be required to agree to the following: “If my child is diagnosed with a concussion during a SCSC activity or during an activity outside of an SCSC event, I will inform my child’s Coach of such diagnosis immediately, and provide medical clearance documentation from a medical professional prior to their being permitted to return to SCSC play.”
  6. All coaches must have with them at all practices and games the Concussion Awareness form from the link on item # 1.